So I've been pretty busy. Here's the latest, in pictures of course.
The spread.
G-man. Looks a lot like Luke as a baby.
Stella likes to pose.
Aunt Jennifer did her hair like Alex's. They're rockstars ;)
Stella likes to pose.
Aunt Jennifer did her hair like Alex's. They're rockstars ;)
Aunt Jennifer and her adorable son :)
Stella was very excited about EVERYTHING.
Willy and Watson enjoyed playing with Ladybug, my great grandparents' dog. (They adopted her from Helotes Humane society!)
Emily, one of my HHS foster cats. My grandma adopted her, and they're perfect for eachother.
The cousins played a lot of Guitar Hero.
The cousins played a lot of Guitar Hero.
Can I just say I LOVE THIS DOG? She's the only dog we've ever had who tolerates the reindeer costume. Sure, the antlers got a little annoying, but she kept them on :)
Watson, Willy and Stellaluna.
King didn't WANT to sit up.
Minnie...being awkward is her thing.
Idk about mom, but I'm regretting letting Minnie 'raise' Phoebe...she thinks she's a pointer now.
lovely blog!!! ^^ greetings from Spain!